At The Green Lotus Yoga Studio you will enter through the SIDE DOOR. When entering through the door turn left and go directly to the cubbies where you can leave your SHOES, keys, purses, etc. The door will be locked during the session so your items will be safe.

Classes begin ON TIME therefore if you arrive and the “ Yoga Is In Session!!” sign is on the door then you have missed the class. Please try to arrive 5-10 minutes earlier next time.

Cash or Credit Cards are accepted and you can pay before class. We also accept Venmo (Shelley-Kamlowsky) and PayPal (


Respect the teacher’s sequencing. Don’t do your own routine. Let your teacher know about any injuries or conditions (such as pregnancy) that might affect your practice. Your instructor will provide you with appropriate modifications. Otherwise, do not add to or skip poses in the sequence. Do not protest or argue with the teacher about a pose. Trust the process.

Please remove your shoes before entering the studio! We dust mop the floor before or after each class. A reminder that walking on the studio floor with your shoes tracks dirt, etc onto the floor where you and your fellow yogis are walking barefoot!

Respect the space. Practicing yoga in a group setting creates a sacred, safe zone. Observe silence or soft voices before, during, and after practice. Allow room for other students to come in. Refrain from unnecessary talking, grunts, and moans. Do not chew gum — it’s distracting and unsafe. Never adjust the lights, fans, windows, or thermostat without permission.

Practice cleanliness. Apply the yogic principle of saucha, which means "cleanliness" or "purity." Personal hygiene is an integral part of practicing yoga. Ensure that you and your mat are clean before practice. Further, avoid heavy fragrances.

Honor your limits. For your safety, as well as respect for the teacher and other students, do not go to a class that is beyond your current level. Work from where you are, not where you think you should be. Never force to hold or attain a pose. Ask for modifications and practice your moves with control. Remember, it’s not a race.

QUESTION - I don’t know which class to attend.

ANSWER - Read the descriptions on our WEEKLY CLASSES page. You can’t go wrong by making your first class a BASIC, YIN or Restorative!

QUESTION - Do I need to register or reserve a spot?

ANSWER - Not usually! Just pick a class and show up! That way there’s no stressing out about changing your mind and not attending. (there will be days when coffee, ice cream, sleeping late, shopping, a beer or cocktail, or pajamas and couch will be what you need most!) If a class requires REGISTRATION it will be noted on the schedule.

QUESTION - How often should I attend?

ANSWER - Yoga is AMAZING - even if you only practice once a week! Of course if you choose to do more than that you will experience more benefits. I suggest 2-3 times a week but if you can’t make it to the studio try to do a couple of the poses that you’ve learned everyday.

QUESTION - What do I need? What do I wear?

ANSWER - All you need is a body , mind, and desire! Wear yoga leggings or shorts, t-shirt (not baggy. You’ll suffocate yourself in downward dog) You can bring your own mat or borrow one of ours. We also provide blocks, blankets and bolsters and water.

QUESTION - What about eating before class?

ANSWER - Yoga will have you twisting, upside down and folding forward and bending backward - so if you have not fully digested you’re last meal - it will make itself known!! A light snack 30-60 minutes before class is best.

QUESTION - I am scared to death I am going to fart during class!

ANSWER - Well…….. you might!!! Passing gas during yoga is actually VERY common!! You’re moving your body in ways that will stir up your gut, which is a good thing!! It’s perfectly natural! If it happens we will all pretend to have not heard a thing and keep moving!! :) Acceptance is a major lesson that comes with a regular yoga practice. Rest assured that your fellow yogis can and will sympathize!!